Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Protasco Bhd Official Blog Record

Here are some of the journalist who confess their sin for being used by con man Chong Ket Pen, the ungrateful criminal who bites the hand who feeds him.

Protasco Bhd, a public listed company which Chong Ket Pen cheated from his investors, is being used as a blaming tool to fool authorities and public so that Chong can cover up his wrong doing.


Google search for Chong Ket Pen


Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun the consultants turn victim lodged police report against Chong Ket Pen

Chong Ket Pen and his staff & associates scam stolen Protasco money is just the tip of the iceberg

Chong Ket Pen scapegoat plan behind Protasco is falling apart

Hadenan of Protasco Bhd removed from MACC (Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission)

Who is Chong Ket Pen – Public servant or thief?



Chong Ket Pen, shame of Chinese. 民族之辱,华人的败类。张吉平

Wintoni 的故事炒作,张吉平鬼计玩大了,葬身日就在眼前。 

 Protasco Bhd, a public listed company being looted by organized criminals, lead by Chong Ket Pen, would continue to consume public money in large scale. A stolen company from investors is still a subject of illegal proceed, he can pretend to live in peace with all the sin he did, but God is great. Chong Ket Pen days are numbered with sky falling down from directs he may not even know it's coming.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

张吉平 (Chong Ket Pen) - 忘恩负义, 恩将仇报. Ungrateful con man who bites the hand that feeds him.

张吉平 (Chong Ket Pen) - 富达 公司 (Protasco Bhd) "监护人" (care taker), 欺骗雇主把公司"占为己有", 滥用职权抢夺公司资源, 一败涂地. 落得骂名:

忘恩负义, 恩将仇报

Chong Ket Pen. Penjaga syarikat tuannya, Protasco Bhd.

Penipu dan anjing yang buat fitnah atas tuannya, mengigit tangan yang membela dia.

Kacang lupakan kulit, inilah binatang yang bernama Chong Ket Pen, perompak yang tipu syarikat tuannya iaitu Protasco Bhd dari pemegang saham Tuan Hasnur dan Daim Zainuddin, dan tipu lagi pelabur Tey dan Ooi.

Melalui Protasco, Chong Ket Pen tipu wang kerajaan, iaitu wang rakyat, dan tipu semua pegawai kerajaan JKR. Kontrak jalan raya itu milik semua anak Malaysia, Chong Ket Pen tipu dan seluduh wang ke kroni dan kutu sendiri. Selepas Chong tipu syarikat dari tuannya, anak-anak Chong, iaitu Kenny Chong Ther Nen dan Denny Chong di bawa masuk ke syarikat untuk jaga jalur penipuannya. Satu syarikat negara sudah jadi milik peribadi Chong Ket Pen. Binatang keji ini harus di penjarakan dan dibersihkan untuk pembangunan negara dan masyarakat Malaysia.

Kacang Lupakan Kulit
Gigit Tangan Yang bela Dia, Binatang!

"I am ungrateful, I am Chong Ket Pen. So what?"

"I bites the hand that feeds me. I am Chong Ket Pen. So What?"

"我的本事是欺骗,苦苦哀求再嫁祸于人,你是下一个.吹! I Can Lie, Cry, Pretend, Bribe, Con and Cheat. You Are Next. So What!"

Google Chong Ket Pen Scam

Chong Ket Pen, shame of Bursa abused.


Chong Ket Pen Scam to con Police - Protasco Case Collapse


"害人害己。Put a blame will be blamed, watch out karma"