Protasco Bhd, a public listed company which Chong Ket Pen cheated from his investors, is being used as a blaming tool to fool authorities and public so that Chong can cover up his wrong doing.
Google search for Chong Ket Pen
Tey Por Yee and Ooi Kock Aun the consultants turn victim lodged police report against Chong Ket Pen
Chong Ket Pen and his staff & associates scam stolen Protasco money is just the tip of the iceberg
Chong Ket Pen scapegoat plan behind Protasco is falling apart
Hadenan of Protasco Bhd removed from MACC (Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission)
Who is Chong Ket Pen – Public servant or thief?
Chong Ket Pen, shame of Chinese. 民族之辱,华人的败类。张吉平
Wintoni 的故事炒作,张吉平鬼计玩大了,葬身日就在眼前。
Protasco Bhd, a public listed company being looted by organized criminals, lead by Chong Ket Pen, would continue to consume public money in large scale. A stolen company from investors is still a subject of illegal proceed, he can pretend to live in peace with all the sin he did, but God is great. Chong Ket Pen days are numbered with sky falling down from directs he may not even know it's coming.